Unit5: Opinion essay

 Topic: Hydroelectric energy(positive and negative)


 Electricity has become so important for people in many centuries. Thus, Today a variety of energy sources are used, such as coal, nuclear, natural gas, wind, and oil, solar energy, tidal power,geothermal sources, as well as hydroelectric. But some countries mostly rely on hydroelectric sources. Because hydroelectric is the renewable source and has a very old history. Likewise, this energy is using the process of water, especially water at the river to produce electricity to transmit to housing. Anyway, hydroelectric provides people both advantages and disadvantages.

       Hydroelectric is an advantageous source to produce electricity. It provides benefits to humans and the environment. First, It doesn’t produce any bad effects to our environment. Because, A conventional dam holds water in a man-made lake, or reservoir, behind it. When water is released through the dam, it spins a turbine connected to a generator that produces electricity. The water returns to the river on the downstream side of the dam. Therefore, this process hasn’t produced any pollution to both air and water. On the other hand, this energy doesn’t waste any source. Since hydroelectric is a renewable energy, it can ensure that there aren’t any sources that will be damaged. Moreover, it is an affordable energy for humans. All housing is able to use this energy because it is not so expensive. It is cheaper than other forms of energy.


   In contrast, hydroelectricity is not always beneficial. It is the fact that hydroelectric is also dangerous for some reasons. Even Though It’s not going to damage the environment in other places on earth, it’ll affect local environments such as floods and droughts. Normally this will always use more water  to generate electricity. Hence, during the rainy season the water must flow too much that will cause flooding to the local housing. Similarly, during the hot season there will not be  much water in the river as the water goes to the process of hydroelectric. As a result of shortage of water for locals to use as well as fishes will lose their habitat. Finally, it’ll cost too much to build the dam and the machine for this process.

      In short, hydroelectric is a good energy source it is has been useful for many years. Because it helps alot with our environment and also humans can afford it by get renewable energy to use. However, It is also bad to locals who live there as well as the population of creatures such as fishes, and it is also a waste of money to build. So, people can use it but they should relize about it negative side as well. Also help to mitigate use this source in other to help both local and living creatures there.



  1. Thanks for sharing this information to let us know the details of hydroelectricity (positive and negative impacts).

  2. Well done Lisa, thanks to you now I can learn some of the information related to hydroelectric energy.


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