
Unit6: Cause and effect essays.

  Topic: causes that make people successful at learning another language    Language is the principal method of human communication. These days, language has become more and more essential for people. That’s the reason why people prefer to get an education in languages. Normally, people study English or French to communicate with people around the world. Not only that, some other languages such as Mandarin, Spanish, and Arabic are also popular that too many people have studied. However, It is not so easy to get into a language. It requires a lot of effort to succeed. Anyway, There are some causes that make people successful at learning another language.      What are the causes of success? In fact, To be successful in learning languages depends on the people themselves. The causes are first; they personally love to learn language. When people love to do something it'll inspire them to put their effort into it. For instance, a person really loves to study English. Thus it has initi

Unit5: Opinion essay

  Topic: Hydroelectric energy(positive and negative)      Electricity has become so important for people in many centuries. Thus, Today a variety of energy sources are used, such as coal, nuclear, natural gas, wind, and oil, solar energy, tidal power,geothermal sources, as well as hydroelectric. But some countries mostly rely on hydroelectric sources. Because hydroelectric is the renewable source and has a very old history. Likewise, this energy is using the process of water, especially water at the river to produce electricity to transmit to housing. Anyway, hydroelectric provides people both advantages and disadvantages.        Hydroelectric is an advantageous source to produce electricity. It provides benefits to humans and the environment. First, It doesn’t produce any bad effects to our environment. Because, A conventional dam holds water in a man-made lake, or reservoir, behind it. When water is released through the dam, it spins a turbine connected to a generator that produc

Unit4: Comparition-contrast essay

Topic: Being in different places changes people's personalities but not all of them.   Have you ever noticed that your personality usually changes? For me, I always notice that.  Actually, most  people themselves or others see them differently almost every time. It is usually based on where they are and who is around them. However, every person normally changes their personality when they are in their house and in public.      Normally, people prefer to show their real personality to their family at home. Because, while at home, they don't feel the risk of being fired for inappropriate office behaviour. Usually, They can do anything, even talk loudly, sleep, eat everywhere and other behaviours… . Hence, they don’t feel bad by complaining to other people. On the other hand, a house is their comfort zone and the place where they can rely on the most. It means that the house is  one of the best locations where they’re more comfortable by being themselves after a whole day outside

Unit3:Narrative esssy

Topic: Experienced of growing flower         I’m sure that everyone loves flowers. So do I . I love to grow but not to water. Anyway, I am always searching on the internet about flowers. They are so beautiful. It inspired me to grow flowers by myself. So, one day my aunt and I went to a shop that sells many kinds of seeds. And I found many kinds of flowers that I want to grow. After that I found a small pack of rose seed and I bought it. So, It was a starting point that I was excited to grow it at my house.   I was so happy to grow my first flower. Thus, after I got home I quickly read the instructions on the pack. First, I put the seeds into a cup of water and stored it for about 4-5 hours. Second, I chose a flower pot which already had a flower on. Then after 4 hours I dig small hole and put the rose seed in it. After that I have to wait about 2 weeks then the sprouts came out. I was so surprised because It is my first time growing flowers. But I see only about 5 small spro

Unit2: Descriptive Essay

Topic: My favorite drink and its healthy benefit! 🍵🍵       Everyone has their own favorite drink. Some prefer juice, coffee, soda but for me I’d love to have green tea. Thus, for me green tea is my favorite menu “Green milk tea”.  Green milk tea is a beverage that sweet, earthy, and rich (richer than your usual green tea), and it smell so good with the combination of milk and tea .Additionally, I always drink it in the morning as my breakfast after that I feel full easily. However, the reason that I choose this beverage it isn’t only because it is delicious, but it contain many benefits as well.    Green milk tea is part of a drink that makes people healthy. Anyway, many people have overlooked about it. Some people even reject about positive impact of this drink, because they usually believe that it will cause some disease instead. In fact, tea prevents heart health and exerts anticancer effects if we drink it correctly. Also, milk is rich nutrients that contribute to growth and bone